Collection: Cistus arbusti. Cistus in vendita. Acquisto cistus

The Cistus genus includes a group of plants belonging to the Cistaceae family. These plants are commonly known as "cysts". The leaves of Cistus are generally simple, opposite or alternate, and often covered in hairs, giving them a grey-green or silvery appearance. Some species may have more lanceolate leaves, while others are more oval. Cistus flowers are spectacular and usually appear from spring to early summer. They are large and showy, with five petals and numerous stamens. The colors of the flowers can vary between white, pink and red. Each flower only lasts a day, but they are produced in abundance. The fruits are dry capsules that contain small seeds. Cistus plants are persistent leafy shrubs and can vary greatly in height, from dwarf species to taller shrubs. Many Cistus species are adapted to Mediterranean climates and are drought tolerant. They can grow well in poor, dry soil. They prefer sunny positions and are often grown in rock gardens, garden edges or on sandy soil. Cistus plants can release aromatic substances, such as resins, which contribute to their characteristic scent. Many Cistus species are grown as ornamentals for their decorative flowers and silver foliage. Because many species are adapted to Mediterranean climates, Cistus plants are also used for landscaping in areas with mild winters and warm summers. The Cistus genus includes fascinating plants, with showy flowers and silvery foliage, suitable for Mediterranean climates and appreciated for their ornamental and aromatic uses.

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Festa della lavanda 2024. picnic tra i filari di lavanda

Festa della lavanda 2025

Vi aspettiamo alla quindicesima edizione della nostra FESTA DELLA LAVANDA. Tre ettari di campi di lavanda con filari di colore viola, bianco, rosa, blu con il meraviglioso sfondo di Assisi. La Festa della fioritura della lavanda si svolge nel fine settimana, l' ingresso è gratuito. Anche nei giorni infrasettimanali sarà possibile visitare i campi di lavanda ma ci sarà un ingresso 5,00 euro.