Spring and Garden Festival. Events Assisi April and May

What to do in Assisi in April and May? What to see in Assisi? What to visit in Umbria in April and May? What events in Perugia in April and May?

Spring and garden festival at the park/garden of Il Lavandeto Di Assis i. Events Assisi April and May. Events in Umbria April and May. What to see in Umbria on April 25th and May 1st.

Open garden, free entry. Free or guided visits.

The event is dedicated to nature and gardening lovers. Spring is the right time to arrange the garden and terrace, at the spring festival you can buy and discover perennial plants with very long blooms, rustic and with few water needs.

For the occasion, the garden will be set up with all the collections of unusual plants produced by the "Lavandeto".

During the festival, lavender plants are sold. sale of ornamental sage plants, sale of flowering bushes and shrubs, sale of ornamental grass plants, sale of aquatic plants and water lilies, sale of perennial herbaceous plants

. Also stands of our artisanal lavender products, with lavender bags, lavender dolls, lavender animals...lavender cosmetics, lavender soaps, honey, lavender ice cream.

The spring festival in Assisi can simply be an opportunity to take a walk and spend a few hours with your family and your children in our gardens, there will also be a refreshment point. .

Entrance is free, you will find tables, refreshment point and drinks. Free and guided visits with explanations on the plants in the garden

and on plants for sale.

and with explanations about the plants in the garden and which you wish to purchase.

Festa dei papaveri, fioritura dei papaveri, campo di papaveri, le più belle fioriture del mondo,

Hai scattato delle foto ai PAPAVERI ARANCIONI alla Festa di primavera presso Il IL Lavandeto di Assisi, pubblicale su instagram: illavandetodiassisi #papaveriallavandeto, le foto con più like riceveranno un buono regalo di 50,00 euro in artigianato alla lavanda o in piante! www.illavandetodiassisi.it

SHOOTING FOTOGRAFICI Shooting fotografici tra i fiori, nel campo di papaveri della California e nel giardino il nostro fotografo ufficiale LEONARDO PASSERO Chiama per appuntamento 349 4093186

Domenica Il fotografo sarà al Lavandeto anche per scatti professionali singoli.

Festa_di_primavera_e_del_giardino. Eventi Assisi primavera. Eventi Umbria Aprile e maggio, festa della primavera, festa in primavera, feste di primavera, mostre piante primavera, mostre di florovivaismo in primavera

Spring and Garden Festival 20/21 25/26/27/27/29/30 April to 1 May 2024

Discover the alpacas of BOSCO DELL'ANGELO, book a course to get to know these wonderful animals

We are waiting for you! Free admission

Spring and Garden Festival 20/21 25/26/27/27/29/30 April to 1 May 2024

Refreshment point with sandwiches or with menu upon reservation. Tel 328 6482716

We are waiting for you! Free admission

Domenica 21 aprile pomeriggio Laboratorio L’orto nel sacco: Soluzioni in un metro per chi ha poco spazio o vuole coltivare in terrazzo o sul balcone. Un super substrato per coltivare. A cura de La spesa nell’orto https://m.youtube.com/@laspesanellorto

CORSO DI ERBE SPONTANEE. Sabato 27 aprile dalle 16 alle 18 Corso erbe spontanee in cucina. Il mondo vegetale comunica passeggiata alla scoperta delle di erbe, cespugli, alberi: salute nutrimento bellezza, con Antonella Prezzo 12,00 euro (Prenotazione anticipata Tel 3392568845)

Corsi di tisane, corsi di oleoliti, festa di primavera

Spring and Garden Festival

Come and discover many unusual plants, low maintenance perennials with very long blooms. Visit our garden.

Feste ad Assisi, mostre ad Assisi, eventi ad Assisi in aprile e maggio, feste di primavera, festa della primavera, mostre di giardinaggio in Italia, mostre aprile e maggio, eventi in primavera in Umbria, Cosa fare ad Assisi in aprile e maggio, cosa visitare ad Assisi in aprile e maggio

Spring and Garden Festival 20/21 25/26/27/27/29/30 April to 1 May 2024

Walk through the gardens of Il Lavandeto Di Assisi. Call THE SAN BIAGIO EQUESTRIAN CENTER to book a ride.

We are waiting for you! Free admission

festa_di_primavera_Eventi_Assisi_aprile_e_maggio, festa della primavera Umbria, feste in primavera in Italia, mostre mercato piante e fiori, eventi in Umbria aprile e maggio

Festa della primavera e del giardino

Vieni a scoprire tante piante insolite, perenni a bassa manutenzione e con lunghissime fioriture. Visita il nostro giardino.

mostra mercato di piante e fiori in Umbria Perugia, mostre mercato piante primavera, mostre di florovivaismo Aprile e maggio, parchi da visitare in aprile e maggio

Market exhibition of plants from our nursery

Create your garden with plants from Lavandeto Di Assisi.

Our nursery online. Order now!

lavender angustifolia for sale, lavender for sale, hidcote blue lavender, lavender fields in Italy, real lavender for sale, dwarf lavender for sale, lavender officinalis for sale online,

For sale lavender angustifolia or lavandula officinalis or true lavender, it is a small bush and is also called dwarf lavender. The lavender angustifolia bush is between 30 cm and 40 cm tall, this is an important difference with the hybrid lavender which has a height starting from 50 cm. Angustifolia lavender can be of many colors: white, pink, blue, light blue, lilac, being a true lavender it also multiplies by seed. It flowers from May to the end of June, if it is watered it will flower again. It produces a very valuable essential oil even if in small quantities. It is beautiful in any garden (it does not tolerate the saltiness of the sea) and is particularly recommended for pots or small gardens. Lavender angustifolia online sale. Our nursery has been producing and selling these lavenders directly since 2005, they are grown for 2 years in the ground then repotted or sold bare root from October to March. This saves plastic, labor, products and fertilizers, and transportation costs. These plants are very rustic and robust. Lavender angustifolia for sale online.

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Lavender Festival 2024 Assisi

For 15 years now, starting from 2010, the LAVENDER FESTIVAL has been held in Castelnuovo di Assisi at the nursery/garden IL LAVANDETO DI ASSISI. The lavender festival is an event with free entry, organized and financed entirely by our nursery which supports the maintenance of the fields and the costs of organizing the event with the sale of aromatic plants, lavender plants, sage... and lavender products. The flowering will also be visible on weekdays, in this house there is a paid entrance. The lavender festival takes place in our 3-hectare garden created not only for the love for plants, and for lavender, but also for this event which attracts people from all over Italy, and allows everyone to immerse themselves in a fragrant landscape in the midst to nature and admire this beautiful spectacle: rows of pink, blue, purple, lilac and white lavender framed by the magnificent backdrop of Assisi, the birthplace of Saint Francis, a saint who infinitely loved nature. During the 4 weekends of the lavender festival: (the last 2 of June and the first 2 of July) it is also pleasant to stop in the middle of the fields and observe and photograph the flowering which will change every week. Nature lovers but also gardening enthusiasts will be able to walk freely in the ornamental sage garden, in the medicinal plant garden, admire the ponds and take part in guided tours and lavender distillation. During the Assisi lavender festival our nursery will set up the garden with the plants produced by our nursery and gardening lovers will be able to purchase the plants seen in the garden and the beautiful crafts stuffed with lavender flowers. At the 2024 Lavender Festival event you will find a refreshment point that will cook on the spot, groups can book lunch (directly at the telephone numbers indicated below) at the refreshment points. Fresh drinks and packaged artisanal ice cream are present at our stand. Every Saturday evening at the lavender festival, picnic among the rows and music, the party will last until 10pm.

Lavender Festival 2024 15/16 22/23 and 29/30 June and 6/7 July 2024. Free contribution. The fields can be visited from Monday to Friday (5.00 euros) from 10am to 12pm and from 4.30pm to 7pm

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Online garden projects!

Progetti giardino online, progettazione piccoli giardini, esempi di giardini, progetti piccoli giardini da copiare, progetti giardino gratis, progetto aiuola privata, cosa piantare nelle aiuole al sole

Request a project for your garden until 10/31/2023 is free. Send a photo to lavandeto@gmail.com and we will create a photomontage for you by adding our plants.