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Il Lavandeto Di Assisi

Salvia Nachtvlinder

Salvia Nachtvlinder

Regular price €7,50 EUR
Regular price Sale price €7,50 EUR
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Sage 'Nachtvlinder' pot 14cm, whose name means "night butterfly" in Dutch, is a variety of ornamental sage known for its flowers and attractive scent, which often attracts butterflies and other nocturnal pollinators. Salvia 'Nachtvlinder' is a compact plant that grows to a height of approximately 30-60 centimetres.

The leaves are lanceolate, dark green in color, and grow along the stem of the plant. They are often aromatic, giving off a scent when rubbed between the fingers.

The flowers are tubular and appear in erect spikes. The most distinctive feature of 'Nachtvlinder' is the purple-red color of the flowers.

These flowers may have a strong attraction to moths, which are active at night.

The flowering of this variety of sage generally occurs in spring until autumn.

The flowers produce a scent that can be especially inviting to moths and other nocturnal pollinating insects.

Salvia 'Nachtvlinder' prefers well-drained soil and a sunny or partially shaded location.

It is a drought-tolerant perennial and requires little maintenance once established.

Pruning faded flowers can prolong flowering and encourage a more compact shape of the plant.

This variety of sage is grown primarily for ornamental purposes due to its charming flowering and attractive scent.

It is ideal for perennial flower gardens, borders and spaces where it is desirable to attract butterflies and nocturnal pollinators.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
claudio verilli

Tutto nel migliore dei modi, pinte ok una più grande fiorita una più piccola. Per ora crescono.

Salvatorea Caruso
Salvia Nachtvlinder

Piantina arrivata in ottime condizioni con imballo impeccabile come sempre. Soddisfatto.

Federica Cerri
Salvie fuori stagione

Ho acquistato varie tipologie di salvia che non ho trovato localmente. L'ho fatto a gennaio, quando queste perenni non sono esteticamente nel pieno splendore. Avrei dovuto metterle a dimora a settembre per farle "emergere" Nella primavera successiva... Comunque le piante sono giunte in buono stato ed attualmente non sembrano sofferenti. Buon servizio, grazie